Safety reports on Agbiotech


The Brazilian, Indian, Chinese, Mexican, 3rd world, UK & US Academies of Science all agree GM crops & food are safe



400+ EC research teams (cost £33m) show "GM crops & food are probably even safer than their conventional equivalents”





BMA (British Medical Association) now accepts the Royal Society on the safety of existing GM crops and food.



U.S. government report shows Starlink did not result in any alleged allergies or effects from the now fully approved crop




The USDA reports increased yield and reduced chemicals after ten years


-table 3 and figure 8 for example.


EFSA reviews product approvals every time its opinions are challenged by NGOs



2007 USDA traces deaths & hospitalisation to E coli from organically-grown spinach. 12th para of.



Even one of Greenpeace’s founders Patrick Moore publicly disagrees with them



Zambia's GM food fear traced to UK - 29 January 2003 - New Scientist



Hungry for the right advice - 01 February 2003 - New Scientist




Thomas R. DeGregori, Ph.D.

Professor of Economics

University of Houston

Department of Economics

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