Class Notes: Geo 1330: Dr Dupre΄


Surface expression of igneous activity.


Why Study Volcanoes?

• Major landforms

• Volcanic soils feed much of the world

• Major geologic hazards


How Bad Can It Be?



92,000 died*



5,500 killed



3,000 killed



36,417 killed



29,000 killed



6,000 killed



5,110 killed


New Guinea

2,942 killed



1,700 killed



23,000 killed


Major Volcanoes of the World



Tectonic Setting Controls Composition! What About Morphology?


Material ejected from volcanoes includes:

______________: magma that has flowed on the surface of the Earth.

______________: fragments that were ejected and solidified in the air during eruption (tephra).

______________: erupted as gases 


Types of Lava:

A. _______________ (mafic)

1) flood basalts

2) pahoehoe

3) aa

4) pillow basalts

B. ________________(intermediate)


C. ________________(felsic)



Columbia Plateau Flood Basalts


Rivers of Hawaiian basalt

Paheohoe flow

Paheohoe and aa flows

Lava tubes

Pillow lava on the seafloor

Ancient pillow basalt exposed on land


Images of andesitic lava flows in Guatemala


Rhyolite Domes in California


How do pahoehoe, aa, andesitic, and rhyolitic flows differ, (other than in composition)?



________________ is defined as a:



Factors controlling the viscosity of magmas include:

1) ______________:

           a) higher _________ results in ___________ viscosity

           b) higher _________ results in ___________ viscosity

2) ______________:

           higher____________ results in ____________ viscosity


Q. Why does the %silica affect the viscosity of lava?




Pyroclastic eruption: Costa Rica


PYROCLASTIC: material ejected during an eruption

Includes: airfall, pyroclastic flows, and lahars


• Air fall: from dust to boulder-sized fragments


Ash plume form eruption of Mt St Helens

Ash mantling village in Mexico

Volcanic tuff (indurated ash), Alaska

Volcanic bombs

Volcanic breccia


• _____________________ (nuee ardente): mixture of hot gases and pyroclastic material to form a super-heated, potentially lethal density current capable of moving 150 km/hr! Form ash-flow deposits.


Pyroclastic flow during an eruption of Mt St Helens


Ash-flow sheets draping topography


• __________________ (volcanic mudflow): a mixture of water and pyroclastic material to form a concrete-like slurry capable of moving up to 100km/hr!


Volcanic mudflow formed during an eruption of Mt St Helens.


Typical Gas Content of a Hawaiian Basalt

70% - H2O

15 % - CO2

5 % - N

5 % - SO2

Trace - Others: e.g. Cl, He, Ar, F


Effect of Composition on Magma Properties and Landforms (table 5.1)


Magma composition

Silica content

Gas content


























Some volcanic features formed from central vent eruptions:

Shield volcanoes

Cinder cones

Composite volcanoes

Lava Domes



Shield Volcanoes (e.g. Hawaii)

- Formed mainly of ________________ lavas

- gentle sides: ~___________ degrees

- Can be huge: up to ___________ wide!

- long duration of activity:_______________

-Eruptions usually ________________


 Cinder Cones (e.g. Sunset Crater)

Formed mainly of _____________________ material

- Steep sides: ~_______ degrees

- Relatively small: ~ __________ wide

- Short -lived: typically ________________


Composite Volcanoes (e.g. Mt Fuji, Mt Ranier)

Formed mainly by alternating _________________ and _________________

Slopes________________________ in steepness

Relatively large: ~ ______________wide

Intermittent eruptions over longtime span: _________________

Eruptions often highly explosive


Relative sizes of typical volcanoes



Lava Domes (e.g. in Mt St Helens)


- Formed by_________________

- Steep-sided and small: ~ ________________

- Associated with__________________


____________________a constructional depression formed at the mouth of a volcano


Crater of a Composite Volcano (e.g. Popo)


________________- a large depression (typically ____________ wide, formed by the collapse of a volcano into a partially drained magma chamber. May have younger domes and cinder cones in it.


Crater Lake Caldera: after 5,700 B.C.


Mount Mazama and the formation of Crater Lake


_________________: resistant vents left standing after erosion has removed the volcanic cone

Shiprock: an exposed volcanic neck



______________________ A volcanic eruption originating along an elongate fissure rather than a central vent

1971 Fissure eruption, Kilauea, Hawaii

1783 Laki fissure eruption, Iceland – the largest lava flow in human history)


Types of Volcanic Hazards

 ____________: e.g. Hawaii, 1998



 _________: e.g. Lake Nyos (Cameroon),1984 - 1700 people killed


___________: e.g. Mt Pinatubo, 1991, ClarkAir Force base



_________________:e.g. Mt Pelee, 1902 - 28,000 killed



_______________________: e.g. Montserrat


 ___________________ (volcanic mudflows): e.g. Nevadodel Ruiz, 1985 - 23,000 killed


Mt St Helens, 1980:Case Study





_______________: e.g.

________________, 1883: Case Study - 36,417 killed

- Before and After 1883 A.D.

Effects of the 1883 Eruption:

• 2/3 of island missing

• Ash: thrown 50miles into the air. Blanketed 300,000 square miles. W. Sumatra in the dark for2 1/2 days

• Noise: "loudest noise in the world" - heard 3,000 miles away

• Tsunami: A wave up to 130 feet high swept up to 10 miles inland - Approx. 36,000 drown


Vesuvius 79 AD: 

Pompeii and Herculaneum


Santorina (figure 5.18)



What is the effect of volcanic eruptions on climate?